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Traffic School Business Name Ideas:
01. Tear the Ticket Traffic School
A striking & descriptive name that will appeal to students with a rebellious streak.
02. Reclaim Freedom
The loss of freedom is keenly felt when you lose your driving privileges; go here to "reclaim" them.
03. Calm Cop Traffic School
Once you've finished these classes, any cop who pulls you over will remain "calm."
04. Defensive Dummies
A suitable name for a comedy traffic school with teachers who know how to make learning fun.
05. Zen af Traffic School
A traffic school where drivers will learn to manage their road rage issues.
06. Ticket Boil
Are all these tickets giving you stress-related boils? Do you want to "boil" them? Enroll here.
07. Learn! Dummy Defensive Course
Great for a comedy traffic school. May attract those who can own up to their silly/reckless actions.
08. Naughty Driver School
A good choice for a traffic school with charismatic teachers who are great entertainers.
09. Calm Case Safe Driving
Catchy. Could be a reference to "nutcase." Students who enroll here will be "calm cases" by the end.
10. Second Chance Safety School
Hints at a school that looks kindly upon traffic violators. Suitable for a virtual traffic school.
More Traffic School Business Name Ideas:
Unique Traffic School Business Names:
- Safety 101 Driver.
- Car Traffic Academy.
- School Route.
- Safe Traffic College.
- The Track Driver Academy.
Memorable Traffic School Business Names:
- Road Traffic School.
- My Driver Course.
- Training Drivers Academy.
- The Traffic School.
- Master Traffic Course.
Cool Traffic School Business Names:
- Road Safety Street Institute.
- Top Drivers Traffic School.
- Street Journey College.
- The Traffic Policy.
- All Drivers Academy.
Creative Traffic School Business Names:
- Go Traffic School.
- Driver Safeway Academy.
- T Driving School.
- Mentor Trucks.
- Pro Traffic Institute.