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Tailoring Business Name Ideas:
01. Nothing's As It Seams
A hilarious name that might just persuade new customers to try you out.
02. Fresh and Fitted
A fun, catchy name that works well as a tailoring business name.
03. Seam To Remember
A brilliant play on words. Says that your clients are clients for life.
04. Tattle Tailor
Clients will be tattling off to their friends about the quality of your work.
05. Trusted Tailor
A no-frills name that tells customers exactly what they get: tailoring they can trust.
06. Dream Maker
A twist on "dressmaker." You tailor to the dreams of your clients.
07. Right Fit Tailors
Suggests that your service is the right fit for clients. A great name.
08. Seam Sense
A good tailor has the sixth sense of knowing just how to make clothes fit your body. A great name.
09. Fabric Love
A name that tells clients you are in love with the art of tailoring.
10. My Trusted Tailor
"My" imparts a sense of familiarity on clients. You are the tailor they know and trust.
More Tailoring Business Name Ideas:
Creative Tailoring Business Names:
- Stitch Picker.
- Made to Men.
- Measureless.
- Fabric Workshop.
- Blue Knot.
Catchy Tailoring Business Names:
- Fine Tailoring.
- Simply Fit.
- Seam Dreams.
- Sweet Suit.
- Sleeved Co.
Unique Tailoring Business Names:
- On-Time Tailors.
- Suits à la Carte.
- Tailor It.
- Le Grand Tailor.
- Fashion Artisan.