Enter words related to your business to get started.
Resume Writing Business Name Ideas:
01. Rewrite it Direct!
This snappy name idea highlights the rewriting aspect of a resume writing service while also telling customers that they will keep in direct contact and complete the work quickly and efficiently. The use of the exclamation mark also creates a feeling of familiarity and friendliness.
02. Copy it Up
The use of the word "Copy" allows room for this business to grow from focusing on resume writing to offering all kinds of copywriting services. This name idea serves as a call to action, encouraging customers to make use of your copywriting services for all their writing needs.
03. Perfectionizm
The deliberate misspelling of the word "Perfectionism" creates a fun, tongue-in-cheek name idea for a writing business that offers to reformat and edit customers' resumes to be the best that they can be. As this name would work for a variety of business types, add a snappy slogan or byline!
04. Cover Letter Experts
A simple, concise business name that makes it clear what your business does. This is a professional name idea that will aid in memorability and help clients easily find your business when doing a simple search.
05. The Job Fixer
This is a creative name idea for your resume writing service, which plays on the idea of your business fixing a customer's resume so that they are more likely to get the job they are applying for!
06. The Copy Medic
Let your customers know that your business fixes up resumes and other written pieces with the use of the word "Medic." This business name says that you cure all writing, spelling, and grammar ills that a piece of copy may have.
07. Copy and Flow
Using the word "Copy" implies your business's writing abilities range from resume writing to writing full-scale copy. The use of the word "Flow" hints that your work flows smoothly without errors — a great, lyrical name for a writing business.
08. We Edit Yours
Make it clear to customers what your service offers with this funky name idea that almost sounds like a slogan. With its dual role, this business name will call customers to your editing business, and they'll trust your business with their resumes and other writing.
09. Renew Your Resume
For those job seekers who want to tweak their completed resumes to suit the specific job they're applying for or want to update an older resume, this name idea tells them that your business is what they are looking for! This is a unique name idea for those offering resume writing services.
10. The Final Cover
"Cover" in this business name refers to the cover letters that often go hand-in-hand with resumes when applying for jobs. With the use of "Final," this brand message is saying that a cover letter written by this company will be the only one ever needed — that's how good these writers are!
Freelance Writer Business Names
More Resume Writing Business Name Ideas:
Unique Resume Writing Company Names:
- The Business Copy.
- Style in Copy.
- The Rewrite Center.
- Focus on Editing.
- Best Copy Workshop.
Catchy Resume Writing Service Names:
- One Click Editing.
- Enrich Your Writing.
- The Process Scribe.
- The Job Done Quick.
- The Format Center.
Creative Resume Writing Service Business Names:
- Editing Strategies.
- Let's Talk Editing.
- Focused Editing.
- The Edit Squad.
- Journey to Words.
Cover Letter Writing Business Names:
- Cover Letters to Go.
- The Cover Stylist.
- The Writing Stop.
- In This Letter.
- Cover Letter Xpress.
Funny Resume Writing Business Names:
- The Scribe-in-Chief.
- Hired Editor.
- The Wordy Doc.
- The Grammarman.
- The Letter Biz.
Resume Workshop Names:
- The Memo Technique.
- Write Right Studios.
- The Plain Text Class.
- Masters in Writing.
- Filling the Resumes.