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News Business Name Ideas:
01. Many Worlds News
This business name recognizes that a country or city is no longer a homogenous place, but rather a sprawling hodgepodge of cultures and interests. It needs a news service for the modern era; one that speaks to people as individuals and appreciates different perspectives.
02. Current Reality
This name recognizes that the world is a fast-paced, ever-changing beast, and that news producers need to deliver a service that balances speed and reliability with accuracy and quality journalism. "Current" is also a clever nod to "Current Affairs," making this a great political news app name.
03. Raven News
In the Middle Ages, ravens were used to send messages between people. Ravens are known for their speed and intelligence, making this a perfect name for a news platform that prides itself on the swift and reliable exchange of important information.
04. Yes Information
"Yes Information" is a deliberate mispronunciation of "misinformation" and suits a news brand with honesty and integrity at its core. "Yes" is a positive word that energizes the reader and tells them that you play a proactive role in enforcing high ethical standards in journalism.
05. Daily Charts
There is a growing demand for journalists who can make sense of large numbers and create meaning from complexity. If you have a business or financial media company and want to start a news division that uses charts and graphs for effective communication, this might be the name for you.
06. The News Sauce
This business name is a clever play on "The Source." "Sauce" is colloquial for gossip, making this a great name for a news platform that specializes in celebrity and entertainment news. "The" grants exclusivity and prestige to the name, branding your news company as the only place for gossip.
07. Ball Size
This is a great name for a news service that caters to sports fans. It says that balls can come in many sizes, from small golf balls to larger basketballs, and implies that you cover a range of different sports. "Ball Size" also has humorous undertones that appeal to competitive sports fans.
08. Everywire
"Everywire" sounds like "everywhere" and suggests that you have a sprawling network of journalists in every corner of the globe, feeding honest and reliable news directly to consumers. "Wire" is a riff on "newswires," giving humor and personality to your brand.
09. Who Knews?
This is a humorous play on the phrase "Who knew?" and suits a news company that aims to deliver meaningful information to its readers. Because it is phrased as a question, the name creates the impression that it is investigative and asks the right questions.
10. Lens Be Frens
This name is a play on the phrase "let's be friends." "Lens" refers to a camera lens, making this a great name for a platform that caters to those in the arts and entertainment space. "Frens" implies that your service has a community aspect where like-minded people can talk about the latest events.
More News Business Name Ideas:
Catchy News Business Names:
- Truth Bomb News.
- Peak Hour Media.
- ShakeUp Stories.
- Clap Back TV.
- The Fun Scoop.
Unique News Business Names:
- News Blast.
- The Media Table.
- Sunburst News.
- FrontRoad TV.
- The Daily Spectator.
Good News Business Names:
- Story Express.
- EventStream.
- Day's Buzz.
- Project TV.
- Globe Now.
Memorable Newspaper Business Name Ideas:
- Aeroworld Magazine.
- Arty & Thrill.
- Wicked Publications.
- Printzone Mag.
- The Mag Issue.