Enter words related to your business to get started.
Key Information
Legal Name | New York Department of State, Division of Corporations |
Address | 99 Washington Ave., 6th fl., Albany, NY 12231 |
Telephone | |
Website |
How to Do a New York Business Search:
Follow our step-by-step guide to performing a business search and making sure that your chosen business name is available for you to use.
Conduct a New York business search online.
Go to the New York business entity search page.
New York's Department of State (DOS), Division of Corporations offers a corporation and business entity search tool that will look up most business types, except for assumed names and sole proprietorships. Those searches must be done via a written, emailed, or faxed request to the Division of Corporations.
Search your chosen business name.
Enter your chosen business name in the search bar next to "Entity Name." You can also just search the first word or two, or even just part of the first word.
Select "Active" under "Entity Type" or leave it on "All Statuses" to also search inactive names. Next, select the "Entity Type" from the Entity List. When you're ready, click on "Search the Database."
View the search results.
If no results for your chosen name can be found, you will see a message saying "No business entities were found for [X]." Otherwise, you will see a list of business entities by name.
Go through the list to see if your chosen name or a deceptively similar name has already been registered. You can click on any of the entries to view more information.
For the best search results, search each separate word of your chosen business name. You can also search parts of your keywords. For example, if your chosen business name is "Accounting Solutions," you should search "accounting," "solutions," and "account."
Additional New York business search steps.
Search the USPTO database.
Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) trademark database to check that your name has not been federally trademarked or is in the process of being federally trademarked.
Consider registering a trademark with the state.
Trademarks can be registered with the New York DOS. Instructions on completing the form can be found under the section "Instructions."
Read through the application form for more information.
Do a domain name search.
In order to establish your online presence and help your customers to find you, it is important that you check that the domain matching your business name is available.
Reserve your business name.
If your business name is available for use but you're not yet ready to file your registration papers, you can reserve your business name for 60 days.
Simply download and complete the Fillable Application for Reservation of Name Form and send it with your $20.00 application fee to the Division of Corporations. Instructions on completing and mailing the application can be found on the web page and in the download.