Enter words related to your business to get started.
Key Information
Legal Name | Nevada Secretary of State |
Address | Nevada State Capitol Bldg., 202 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701 |
Telephone | |
Website |
How to Do a Nevada Business Search:

Nevada's SilverFlume Business Portal offers a one-stop site for all your business needs. Follow our step-by-step guide to navigating the site and performing a thorough business name search.
Conduct a Nevada business search online.
Navigate to the SilverFlume Business Portal.

SilverFlume is Nevada's official business portal and offers a business entity search tool. With this tool, you can search for business entities, reserved names, trade names, trademarks, service marks, and business licenses.
Enter your business name in the search bar.

In the search bar next to "Name" type in your chosen business name as you want it to appear, but without punctuation or determiners, such as "LLC" or "Corporation." Change the search criteria to "All Words" then scroll down to the advanced search options and change both "Type" and "Status" to "All." This will give you a thorough business search.
Leave the "Business Entity Search Criteria" and the "Marks Search Criteria" fields blank.
Review your search results.

If no matches for your search can be found, you will see a pop-up block with the message "No records found with your search criteria."
If matches are found, you will see a list of businesses with information on the name, status, filing date, type, Nevada business ID, entity number or mark number, and further actions you can take.
Scroll through the list and look for any exact matches or deceptively similar matches to your chosen business name. If you find any, you will need to change your business name slightly or come up with a new one.
Repeat your search.

If you find no deceptively similar names to your chosen business name, you should be able to register it. However, to be 100% sure that your name is available, it is recommended to repeat your search using the "Contains" search criteria and searching each keyword from your chosen name.
The "Type" advanced search function resets with each search, so be sure to change it back to "All" before clicking on "Search."
Additional Nevada business search steps.
Do a quick domain search.

To help your customers find your business easily, you should also check that you can use the domain name and email address that matches your business name.
Search the USPTO database.

Conduct a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) trademark database to check that your name has not been trademarked or is in the process of being trademarked.
Reserve your business name.

If your business name is available but you're not quite ready to register your business, you can reserve your business name for 90 days.
Register with or log into the SilverFlume Business Portal to complete your name reservation online.
Alternatively, navigate to the Nevada Secretary of State (SOS) website and download the "Complete Packet."
Complete the Name Reservation Request form and either the "Customer Order Instructions" or the "1 or 2-Hour Expedite Customer Order Instructions."
Instructions for completing and submitting the form, together with the $25.00 filing fee, can be found in the download package.
Consider trademarking your business name with the state.

As SilverFlume's business entity search also shows results for trademarks, you would have seen if your chosen business name, or a deceptively similar version, had already been trademarked with the state of Nevada. If your chosen name is available, you may want to consider trademarking it with the state. Discuss this option with your lawyer first.
You will need to register with or log into the SilverFlume business portal to trademark your business online.
Alternatively, you can download and complete the trademark application from the Nevada SOS website. Instructions for completing and submitting the forms can be found in the downloads.
Read through the state trademark FAQs on the SOS website before completing your application.