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Military Surplus Business Name Ideas:

01. Blaze Warrior Surplus

The name hints at glory and fame. An eye-catching choice for a military surplus store.

02. The War Warehouse

Powerful. Clients may expect a large surplus store that stocks a bit of everything.

03. Caesar Army Surplus Store

With reference to Julius Caesar, a historic military figure. A catchy and memorable name.

04. Honor Army Military Surplus

The military surplus store for patriotic individuals. Suggests those who shop here have "honor."

05. Blaze Cadet Tactical Store

Memorable. "Tactical" suggests bulletproof vests, gloves, guns, holsters, & more can be found here.

06. Camo Flame War Surplus

Descriptive & powerful. Clients may expect to find camo colored vests, pouches, and more here.

07. Navy Camp Survival Surplus

A great name for a military surplus store that sells gear well-suited to camping/hiking.

08. USA Field Honor Surplus

A strong, dignified name that has connotations of courage, bravery, and glory.

09. Hero Cadet Surplus Store

Memorable. This striking name will no doubt appeal to young ones with military aspirations.

10. Veteran War Surplus

"Veteran" may imply a longstanding military surplus store that can be relied upon.

Firearm Training Business Names

Bulletproof name ideas for a firearm training business.

More Military Surplus Business Name Ideas:

Cool Military Surplus Business Names:

  • The Active Army Surplus.
  • Vintage Army Surplus.
  • Havoc Inventory.
  • Military Direct.
  • The Desert Camo.

Unique Military Surplus Business Names:

  • Eagle Army Surplus.
  • Kaki and Soul.
  • Delta Force Surplus.
  • The Proud Wolf Co.
  • Troops of Honor.

Memorable Military Surplus Business Names:

  • Troop Bravo.
  • Proud Armour.
  • Honor & Defense.
  • Elite Defense Military Surplus.
  • United Military Store.


How do I pick a name for my military surplus business?

  1. Write down and analyze the names of top army & military surplus stores.
  2. Consider what makes your military surplus store special.
  3. Find words related to war.
  4. Make a list of keywords and combine them to form military surplus names.
  5. Feed some keywords through a business name generator.
  6. Share your top names with others.
  7. Register your best name.

What are some names of real military surplus businesses?

  • Top Outfitters Army Surplus.
  • Ohio Military Surplus.
  • Delk's Army-Navy Surplus Store.
  • Top Gun Military Apparel.
  • Top Brass Military & Tactical.

What is another name for a military surplus store?

Military surplus stores are also called army-navy stores or war surplus stores.

How do I find ideas for a military store name?

  • Research your competitors and see what names they are using.
  • Think about what your business means to you and what you'd like to portray to customers.
  • Consider using words and concepts related to the military in general.
  • Think about the products you will be stocking in your store and list words or concepts related to your products.

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