Enter words related to your business to get started.
Key Information
Legal Name | Maine Secretary of State |
Address | 101 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0101 |
Telephone | |
Website |
How to Do a Maine Business Search:

Follow our step-by-step guide for checking buiness name availability in Maine. We've included some great business search tips.
Conduct a Maine business search online.
Go to the Maine Secretary of State (SOS) website.

Maine's SOS, Bureau of Corporations, Elections, and Commissions website offers a corporate name search tool that can be used to do general name searches.
It is important to note that this tool is limited to 100 results, so you should search the specific name you want to use, as well as a number of variations to be thorough.
Enter your chosen name in the search bar.

In the blank search bar next to "Keyword from name to be searched," enter the business name you want to use. It is best to enter the full name, minus any determiners (like "LLC" or "Corporation") or punctuation, as the search tool is limited to 100 results. Leave the search bar next to "Charter number" blank.
View your search results.

After clicking on "Click Here to Search," if you see a message saying "Found 0 entries for query: [X] in category ALL CATEGORIES," that means that there are no existing businesses matching your name. You can then move on to registering your business.
If you see a list of businesses, you will need to carefully go through each entry and determine how similar it is to your chosen name. If you see your chosen name registered, or a name that is very similar, you should decide on a variation of the name and try your search again.
The Corporate Name Search returns results for registered business names as well as trademarks and service marks.
Additional Maine business search steps.
Do a web domain search.

Ensuring that your business name is available for registration is just step one. You should also check that you can use the matching domain name and email address for your business so that customers can easily find you.
Search the USPTO database.

Conduct a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) trademark database to check that your name has not been trademarked or is in the process of being trademarked.
Consider registering a trademark with the state of Maine.

You should consult a lawyer before taking this step to determine whether a trademark is necessary for your business. If it is, you can download and complete the Application for Registration of a Mark.
File an Application for Reservation of Name.

If you are not planning on registering your business just yet, you can reserve your business name for up to 120 days by filing an Application for Reservation of Name. The application costs $20.00 and must be filed by mail.
Go to the SOS's Corporations webpage.
Select your business type (i.e., LLC, Business Corporation, General Partnership, etc.) from the menu on the left of the page.
Click on the blue title link for the Application for Reservation of Name. For example, the application for an LLC is titled MLLC-1.
Print out and complete the PDF application and mail it to the provided address (in the download) with your $20.00 filing fee.