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Key Information

Legal Name

Indiana Secretary of State


302 W. Washington St., Ste. 201, Indianapolis, IN 46204



1 (317) 232-6531


$0.00 USD
2 Days
How to Do an Indiana Business Search:

You can check availability using a convenient online tool hosted on the Secretary of State's website. If there are no exact or deceptively similar matches to your choice of name, we recommend also doing a trademark search. You can then go on to reserve the name.


Conduct an Indiana business search online.


Visit the Indiana Secretary of State website.

Visit the Indiana Secretary of State website.

Go to the Indiana Secretary of State (SOS) website and navigate to the Indiana business search tool. You can use this tool to look up businesses by name, business ID, filing number, and more. Advanced search features include a selection of filters.


Select a search type.

Select a search type.

You can define your search parameters by choosing one of three search types. Select "Contains" for a comprehensive list of business names that may be similar to your preferred choice. You can refine your search by using the search types "Starts With" and "Exact Match."


Enter your business name.

Enter your business name.

Check that the search field titled "Business Name" is selected and enter your business name.

Be sure to perform several searches and enter variations of your business name to investigate whether there are any similarly spelled or similar-sounding names on record with the SOS.


Refine your search criteria.

Refine your search criteria.

The advanced search features allow you to set additional filters. These are useful if you want to look up a specific business entity or if you want to trim an overwhelming number of search results. You can refine your search by entity type, status, name type, or location.

Perform the search.

Complete the reCAPTCHA request displayed in the top right corner of the search window and then select "Search." Comb through the results, should there be any, and identify whether there are any entries that may affect the availability of your chosen name.

The business search facilitates a preliminary search only and does not provide any guarantee that a name is available. Official availability is determined when a name reservation or entity formation documents are filed and processed.


Additional Indiana business search steps.


Perform trademark searches.

Perform trademark searches.

Conduct state and federal trademark searches to ensure that you will not infringe on another entity's trademark rights, which can lead to serious legal consequences.

Search the Indiana SOS's database of trademarks and service marks to check for trademarks registered with the state.


Reserve the name.

Reserve the name.

You can secure your business name before filing entity formation documents by submitting an application to reserve the name for 120 days. This can be done online.

When using the INBiz online services to reserve a name, the first step involves an instant name availability check that will not allow you to complete the name reservation if it determines your name to be in conflict with that of another business in Indiana.


How do I do a business search in Indiana?

How do I start a business in Indiana?

Visit INBiz. It is the state of Indiana's top website for resources about starting, registering, and managing your new business.

How do I look up an LLC in Indiana?

  1. Go to the Department of Business Services Database.
  2. Specify your search terms under “Business Search.”
  3. Browse through the results.

Does it cost anything to do a business search in Indiana?

No. Conducting an online business search in Indiana is free.

Is my business name available in Indiana?

You can find out if your business name is available in Indiana by performing an Indiana business search online.

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