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How to Name a Podcast:

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How to Name a Podcast:

Step-by-step guide to coming up with a relevant, effective, and catchy podcast name.


Create a keyword list.


Define your podcast.

Define your podcast.

You will already have an idea or concept for your podcast. Think about the type of content you will offer, the tone and personality of your podcast, as well as the impression you want to make on your audience. List keywords and phrases that reflect what your podcast is about.


Understand your target listeners.

Understand your target listeners.

Identify and understand who your target listeners are, what interests them, what appeals to them, and what they dislike. Use this information to refine your key terms and descriptors.


List SEO-friendly keywords.

List SEO-friendly keywords.

While there are many ways to promote your podcast to attract more listeners, it is also important to make sure that your podcast can be easily found by potential listeners. Think about which keywords your target audience might use to search for the type of content you offer.

Use Google's free Keyword Planner to find high-traffic search terms related to your podcast.

Don't stuff as many relevant keywords as you can into your podcast name as possible. Most podcast directories also incorporate episode titles or brief descriptions of podcasts in searches.


Check out the competition.

Check out the competition.

Have a look at what your competitors are doing, the type of podcast you will be competing with, along with other popular podcasts related to your industry or theme. Think about what makes you different and stand out from the competition.

List similar and related keywords.

Add keywords that are related to your industry, niche, or topic along with similar and alternative keywords to those already on your list.


Brainstorm name ideas.


Think about name styles.

Think about name styles.

Podcast names generally fit into one of three styles: descriptive names, creative names, and shows named after the host. While brainstorming names, knowing which name style you are after can help guide your creative process.

Descriptive names are always a safe bet because they are very searchable and let your listeners know exactly what your show is about. Keep in mind that a name can be both creative and descriptive.


Combine words on your list.

Combine words on your list.

Create compound names and phrases inspired by your list of keywords and phrases.


Use different literary devices.

Use different literary devices.

Try to incorporate rhyming elements, alliterations, puns, and similar literary devices to come up with creative and catchy name variations.


Use an online name generator.

Use an online name generator.

You can also use an online name generator to get more naming inspiration. You can use keywords from your list as input, browse the name suggestions that are generated, and add any ones you like to your list of name ideas.


Write up all name ideas.

Write up all name ideas.

Make a list of all the name ideas you came up with, including all variations.


Create a shortlist of names.


Set the list aside for a while.

Set the list aside for a while.

Once you've created a comprehensive list of name ideas, put it aside for a while so that when you get back to it after a day or two, you can look at it with more objectivity.


Review your list.

Review your list.

Review the names on your list and consider which align best with your target listener profile and your podcast concept and personality. This will help you filter out the names that are relevant to your show and will resonate with your audience.


Review the reduced list again.

Review the reduced list again.

Give it some time before going over the list of names a second time. Filter out options that are similar to competitors or that are simply a no-go for you. Mark out any favorites and add any variations or new names the list inspires.

A good name should be easy to pronounce, unique, and memorable.


Get a second opinion.

Get a second opinion.

Share your list with someone who matches your target listener profile. Describe to them what your podcast is about and let them go through your list, noting which names they like and which not.


Finalize your shortlist.

Finalize your shortlist.

Write up a final shortlist of names. To avoid wasting time and energy unnecessarily, make sure that each of the names on the list is one you would be comfortable moving forward with. The next steps will have you testing the names and checking for availability.


Test your names.


Talk to a friend.

Talk to a friend.

Ask friends or colleagues who you feel fit the profile of your target audience what they think of your top name options. Don't forget to follow up a day or two later to see which names stuck and are easily remembered.


Conduct a survey.

Conduct a survey.

Draw up a survey with questions about your selection of names. This might include asking respondents what they associate with each name, what they believe a podcast with that name might be about, and which name makes them want to find out more about the show.


Use online ads.

Use online ads.

Consider running ads on different platforms, such as Google, Facebook, or X to test which names get the most interaction.

If you are not very familiar or don't have much experience with online ads, you can always hire someone to do this for you. Have a look at platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.


Check for availability.


Do an online search for each name.

Do an online search for each name.

Check if anyone is already using the top names on your shortlist. Do an online search using search engines like Google but also search within individual podcast directories, like Spotify, Apple Podcast, TuneIn, and Stitcher.

If someone is already using a name you were considering, you might not have to strike it off your list right away. Try contacting the current user to find out if they would be willing to let you have it.


Check if your top choices are trademarked.

Check if your top choices are trademarked.

Check with your state and search the USPTO trademark database to see if any of your top choices are already trademarked.


Check domain and username availability.

Check domain and username availability.

If you plan on launching a website and creating social media pages for your podcast, you'll want to check whether the corresponding domain and usernames are available.

When searching for domain availability, look for .com domains, as these are the easiest to remember.


Select a name.


Choose a name.

Choose a name.

Once you tested and researched your top name options, you can now make your final choice with confidence.


Secure your domain.

Secure your domain.

Purchase a domain name and secure the usernames for any social media pages you intend to run in the same name as soon as possible.


Trademark your name.

Trademark your name.

Consider protecting your name by trademarking it. You can apply for a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

How to Name a Blog

Tips and steps for naming your new blog.


Can two podcasts have the same name?

If a podcast name is not trademarked, two podcasts can have the same name. However, as you'll want to differentiate yourself from other podcasts and ensure that listeners only find your podcast when searching for its name, it is not advisable to use a podcast name that is the same or similar to that of another.

How do I know if a podcast name is taken?

Find out whether a podcast name is already taken by doing an online search and checking for the name in popular podcast directories, including Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, and Spotify.

How do you create a podcast name?

  1. Create a list of keywords.
  2. Brainstorm naming ideas using your keyword list.
  3. Use an online name generator for more naming inspiration.
  4. Review your list and narrow it down to only a few options.
  5. Test your top choices to see which ones resonate best with potential listeners.

How do you name a podcast episode?

  1. Succinctly describe what your episode is about.
  2. Make sure the title is relevant to your target listeners.
  3. Include targeted keywords for better searchability but don't overload it with keywords.

How do I trademark my podcast name?

  1. Check trademark availability by searching USPTO's trademark database.
  2. Complete an online trademark application on the USPTO website.
  3. Pay the fee.
  4. Wait for a response.

Are podcast names copyrighted?

Copyright applies to original works of authorship once they are fixed in a tangible medium of expression, such as a recording in the case of a podcast. While it protects the original content you record, this protection does not extend to names and titles. A trademark, on the other hand, protects words, phrases, and symbols.

Where can I find a podcast keyword generator?

Use Google's free Keyword Planner to find high-traffic search terms related to your podcast.

How do I secure a podcast name?

Once you have done all the necessary research to ensure that your preferred podcast name is available, secure the domain and trademark your name with the USPTO.

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