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How to Name a Fashion Brand

Step-by-step guide to coming up with a unique, memorable fashion brand name.
Start a list.
Write down any ideas you already have.

You may already have some ideas for a fashion brand name. If so, go ahead and write them down.
Highlight or star your favorites as you go.

This will make it easy to narrow down the list later, while letting you jot down all ideas that may spark something later on.
The words you add to the list don’t have to be fully formed fashion brand names. They can be words or concepts related to the fashion business that help you get to the final name.
Look up synonyms.

From your current list of keywords, try to find synonyms that may also be used in the name.
Perform essential research before you name your fashion brand.
Review your business plan.

If you’ve got a business plan for your fashion brand, the research there should give you ideas for words, phrases, and concepts that fit your brand.
Talk to likely customers.

This is something you’ll want to do, no matter what, to learn more about the people you’ll be catering to. While you’re meeting with them, be sure to write down words, phrases, and concepts that they associate with fashion brands.
Review words specific to the fashion business.
Consider your own name.

There are many fashion brands named after their founders. Brands like Gucci, Versace, Calvin Klein, and Chanel are all named after their founders and have become synonymous with style.
Use the style as a name idea.

Your fashion brand may focus on a specific style like streetwear, formal wear, sportswear, or casual clothing. Words associated with these styles could be a source for name ideas.
Use your location for name ideas.

If your fashion brand is linked to your location in some way (e.g., if your style is influenced by local culture or traditional garments) you could use the name of your location in your fashion brand name. Another idea is naming the brand after your first studio (the street name, building name, or city).
Create more name ideas from your list.
Combine words from the list.

Try combining various words from your list to see if they form any interesting names.
Use a name generator.

NameSnack can help combine your ideas and make associations that you wouldn't have thought of.
NameSnack's AI will prompt you to add different words. You can try adding them all, or go with smaller groups.
Write down any fashion brand names you like.
NameSnack will also tell you if the domains are available. Check the ones that have domains off on your list.
Review and reflect.
Read through your list again.

Make note of any names that stand out as particularly good or bad.
Set the list aside for a day or two.

Come back with fresh eyes and see which names stand out. Also, see which names you still remember. This may give you a clue as to which ones are most memorable.
Get feedback on your top fashion brand names.
See what potential customers think of the names.

See how your target audience reacts to different names.
Customers of fashion brands are likely to frequent shopping centers and malls. You can approach individuals in these locations to survey them. If you plan to sell online exclusively, you can post online surveys on social media.
Test the names on friends and colleagues.

Read your names to friends and colleagues, and get their take on your fashion brand names. Come back a day or two later and see which ones they still remember.
Check availability.
See if the web domain name is available.

Use a site like Namecheap to see which of your top business name ideas have related URLs available.
See if the name is already in use in your state.

If the business name is already in use for a similar business in your state, it's likely you won't be able to use it.
Check the names on Google.

Google your favorite fashion brand names to see if there are any other well-known fashion brands with the same name, or if there are some associations you hadn’t thought of.
Get the name.
Buy the domain name.

You can do this through sites like Namecheap.
Register the business name with the state.

You'll need to register the name in your state once you've chosen it. In most states this is fast and easy, and can be done online.
Consider trademarking the name.

This offers additional protection from other businesses using your fashion brand name.
Learn more about trademarking your business name.