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Hijab Business Name Ideas:
01. The Hijab Lady
This cute name suggests that the owner of this business is a woman who lives and breathes hijab couture. It adds a personal touch to your brand and makes customers feel more at home shopping with you. This name would work well for a woman-led business.
02. The Hijab Factory
The word "factory" suggests that you create your own hijabs and that there is a vast variety of items to choose from. While formerly pejorative, "factory" could now suggest great value for money compared to a boutique.
03. The Hijab Room
This name creates the image of a room adorned with silks of various colors, offering customers a luxurious shopping experience. While simple, this name is easy to remember and states your products clearly.
04. Jade Hijab Lounge
Jade is a precious stone, linking your brand to something of value and great beauty. A lounge is a comfortable and relaxing space in which to peruse and shop at the customer's leisure, making your business seem luxurious.
05. The Silk Heart
As many hijabs are made of silk, this name is apt. It adds a touch of luxury and class to your brand by advertising high quality fabric, and solidifies your products as the best on the market.
06. Hebe's Wardrobe
Hebe was the daughter of Zeus, and was known as the personification of grace and beauty. With a symbol of such elegance in your name, this shows clients that your hijabs will bring out the goddess in everyone.
07. Habibi's Fashion
"Habibi" is a term of endearment in Arabic, making customers feel appreciated and coveted. While simple, this name is easy to remember and has positive associations. The inclusion of Arabic in this name makes it more meaningful to those who wear a hijab for religious reasons.
08. Chic Hijab Society
This name not only frames your customers as stylish, but it also creates the idea that they are a part of the elite. This opens up avenues for loyalty membership or exclusive deals, as well as enticing new customers to investigate how they might be a part of your society.
09. Crowning Hijab
A hijab sits atop one's head much like a crown, making this name apt. It makes customers feel like royalty, and assures them that they will possess beauty and grace when wearing your products. This name also allows for great marketing materials using a crown icon.
10. The Face of Style
Because hijabs cover all parts of the head except for the face, this name works perfectly. It shows that while some consider hijabs a way of concealing, your brand sees it as a way of showcasing the face.
More Hijab Business Name Ideas:
Catchy Hijab Business Names:
- Bouki's Bazaar.
- Al-Hudan.
- Habiba Shabab.
- Al-Hijab is the Way.
- Habibti's Scarves.
Arabic Hijab Business Names:
- Habib's Boutique.
- Khimar Shade.
- Hijab Elites.
- Al Makkah Imports.
- Modest Mahiz.
Captivating Scarf Business Names:
- Babylon Silk.
- Best Burka.
- The Shawl Room.
- Mirra's Designs.
- Niqabs & More.