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Ethiopian Restaurant Business Name Ideas:
01. Marjani's Garden Dining
"Marjani" is an Arabic name, which may imply a halal eatery. Ideal for a serene dining experience.
02. Traditional Migibi
Translates to "traditional meals." A catchy name that will stand the test of time.
03. Buna Bēti
A catchy and fun name for a restaurant that serves authentic Ethiopian coffee.
04. Kamali's Ethiopian Adventure
A descriptive and unique name for an Ethiopian restaurant with an intense atmosphere.
05. Tej Doro Eatery
"Tej" refers to Ethiopian honey wine, while "Doro" is a reference to traditional chicken stew.
06. Modern Tibs
For those after a more contemporary Ethiopian experience. "Tibs" is a rich, meaty stew/stir-fry.
07. Shiro Wat
A cool name for a vegetarian Ethiopian restaurant. "Shiro wat" is a dish made from chickpeas.
08. Hot Injera
A memorable name. "Injera" is a traditional sourdough flatbread served with many Ethiopian dishes.
09. Lovely Doro
A charming name for a family-friendly Ethiopian restaurant.
10. Coshiro
Memorable. An interesting name for a classy & authentic Ethiopian spot.
African Restaurant Business Names
More Ethiopian Restaurant Business Name Ideas:
Unique Names for Ethiopian Restaurants:
- Kitfo Kitchen.
- Kit-Tru.
- Esotouria.
- AfriKuna-Taste.
- Eliwaz.
Memorable Names for Ethiopian Restaurants:
- Amharic Kitchen.
- Mighty Ethiopian.
- Kenyatta's Cafe.
- Taste of Timbuktu.
- Ethnokus.
Cool Names for Ethiopian Restaurants:
- The Ethiopian Bistro.
- Ethiopian Grill.
- Moricaba Cafe.
- Taste of Ethiopian.
- Cafe Kitfo.
Clever Ethiopian Restaurant Names:
- Eritrea Garden.
- Eritrea East.
- Truly Ethiopian.
- Taste of East Africa.
- The Ethiopian Garden.