Enter words related to your business to get started.
Data Analytics Business Name Ideas:
01. Discovering Y
Alludes to the process of discovering why (i.e., predictors) and y-variables (i.e., outcomes).
02. Rubicon Data Analytics
For an innovative business that helps clients take calculated risks.
03. QuantiCore
A mashup of "quantify" and "core." Hints that the company helps clients make data-driven choices.
04. OmniData Solutions
Implies that the business works with virtually every type of data.
05. MediData Unlimited
For a company that specializes in the analysis of healthcare information.
06. Rich Data Analytics
"Rich" denotes the depth of data analysis offered while alluding to clients' future wealth.
07. The Data Miners
A simple, catchy name that leaves no question about the nature of the business.
08. Data Diving
Short and informative. Uses alliteration to create a memorable effect.
09. Data-Powered Solutions
Promises an evidence-based approach to solving business's challenges and driving growth.
10. Data Extracts
References the process of drawing information from data sets.
More Data Analytics Business Name Ideas:
Creative Data Analytics Team Names:
- Acuity in Data.
- Tremendous Analytics.
- CITI Data Analytics.
- Clinical Cyber.
- Algorithms by Audrey.
Cool Data Analytics Business Names:
- Cognition Xchange.
- The Source Process.
- Roboworld Group.
- Predictive Maven.
- Mean Stacks.
Funny Data Analytics Team Names:
- Braintasticia.
- CogniTrends.
- Revealedi.
- Cognitive Envy.
- Predictive Dataminr.