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Check Cashing/Payday Loan Business Name Ideas:
01. Day Grant
A subtle reference to the ease and speed at which clients can make a loan or cash in a check.
02. My Payday Pocket
A catchy name that evokes images of clients filling their pockets with cash when they need it most.
03. Pocket Grant
A snappy name for a check cashing business. Tells potential clients to trust your business.
04. Fund Payday
Rolls nicely off the tongue. This easy name implies that funds are always available.
05. Payday Shark
Playing on the term "loan shark," this tongue-in-cheek name is snappy and memorable.
06. The Rake Payday
The alliteration of the "A" sound makes this name catchy and appealing.
07. The Dole Credit
A play on words referring to a benefit paid by the state or "doling out cash" for those who need it.
08. The Issue Fund
This distinctive name is ideal for an online payday loan service.
09. Check Grant
This snappy name suggests that clients can get access to funds quickly and easily.
10. Repayable Loan
Implies a trusted and convenient solution to short-term financial problems.
Banks & Credit Union Business Names
More Check Cashing/Payday Loan Business Name Ideas:
Money-Related Business Names:
- Check It Money Loans.
- Money 5 Day.
- Make Money Check.
- Money Time Lend.
- Money Mail Lending.
Loan Company Business Names:
- Dream Loan Center.
- Loan Voucher King.
- OneWeb Loan Office.
- All My Cash Loans.
- Loan Pro Nation.
Good Check Cashing Business Names:
- Check Plus Cash.
- Bank One Check.
- Cash Express.
- U Cash Check.
- Cash with Confidence.
Catchy Payday Loan Business Names:
- Jackpot Cash Loans.
- Super Payday.
- Rent-A-Million.
- Green Money Loans.
- InTouch Payday.
Cool Check Cashing/Payday Loan Business Names:
- Cashman Loan Center.
- Check Point Payday.
- Dime Loans.
- Central Cash 1.
- Check Me Payday.
Great Cash Loan Business Names:
- First State Cash.
- Cash for Cash Loans.
- Cash by Credit.
- Loan 'n' Fly.
- Overnight Cash Plus.
Creative Money Lending Business Names:
- Prologue Check.
- Check It Cash.
- Cash Time Lend.
- The Money Biz.
- Money Loan Pros.