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Australian Business Name Ideas:

01. Bondi Beauty

Australia's Bondi beach is known for warm, golden bodies in the sun. Works well for a beauty brand.

02. Adelaide Advertising

The repeated "ad" sound is both clever and creates a musical effect. A smart name.

03. Kangaroo Kickboxing

What better animal is there to pair your kickboxing school with than the muscular, jabbing kangaroo?

04. Pavolva Palace

"Palace" evokes a sense of opulence. A great name for an upmarket Australian cake store.

05. Heart Reef Scuba Diving

What better place to associate your scuba diving school with than Australia's Heart Reef?

06. Perth Pastries

A great name for a pastry shop making traditional Australian desserts, such as pavlova.

07. Madame Macadamia

"Madame" evokes a sense of regality, a great quality to associate with your upmarket nut shop.

08. Sydney Surfers

Think Sydney. Think surfing. Few associations come quicker to the fore. A great name.

09. Lamington Lane

The perfect name for an Australian cake shop specializing in local treats like lamington.

10. Uluru Upholstery

A symbol of beauty and strength pairs well with an upholstery store. A fitting name.

11. Hobart Hospitality

A great name for a hotel or hospitality space with an Australian theme.

12. Brisbane Barber Bros

Want an Aussie haircut? Look no further than this gorgeous piece of alliteration.

13. Melbourne Microblading

The ideal name for a business that wants to associate itself with a beautiful city.

14. Koala Kitchen

A fun name for a small, Australian diner serving the best traditional aussie food.

15. Canberra Cardio

A great name for a fitness brand with an Australian theme.

16. Queensland Quilting

The perfect name for a business that makes traditional Australian garments from fabric.

17. Vegemite Kitchen

A great name for a low-budget diner catering to an Australian market.

18. Aussie Vegan

A fun name for an Australian restaurant specializing in vegan foods.

19. Authentically Australian

A no-frills name that tells customers exactly what they get: authentic Australian food.

20. My Australian Restaurant

"My" imparts a sense of familiarity on customers. Yours is the Australian restaurant customers love.

Australian Restaurant Business Names

Unique names for an Australian restaurant business.

More Australian Business Name Ideas:

Examples of Australian Business Names:

  • Great Down Under.
  • Aussie Surfing.
  • Bed & Brekky.
  • The Little Ripper.
  • Heaps & Stuff.

Unique Australian Business Names:

  • Coldie Slab Bar.
  • Good Arvo.
  • Big Bottle-O.
  • Biccy Café.
  • Dag Gamming.

Catchy Australian Business Names:

  • The Aussie Salute.
  • Bloody Oath Bar.
  • Dead Set.
  • Straya Market.
  • Lappy Tech.


How can I come up with some Australian business names?

  1. Brainstorm some potential names.
  2. Think about words and concepts related to your Australian business, target audience, and mission statement.
  3. Try combining words or use a business name generator.
  4. Review and reflect on your list.
  5. Gain feedback.
  6. Check the name's availability.
  7. Secure the name.

What makes a good Australian business name?

A good Australian business name draws from elements of Australian life, including Australian geography, food, history, and landmarks, in a fun and memorable way. Associating your business with these words will increase your Australian appeal.

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