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Artificial Intelligence Business Name Ideas:

01. BetterBrain

The repeated "b" creates a musical effect. A good name for an AI software business.

02. Auto Mation

A clever play on the word "automation." A great name for an AI company specializing in automobiles.

03. Market Mind

"Market" suggests your AI software helps businesses make smarter marketing decisions.

04. SmartSell

"Sell" suggests your software creates a better customer relations experience.

05. Humanity 2.0

A bold, daring name that both amuses and inspires. A great name for an AI company.

06. Datamind

A clever play on the words data mining. A good name for an AI-powered analytics company.

07. Health Fusion

"Fusion" communicates intelligence. A great choice for a health-focused AI company.

08. Smart Farming

A name that tells farmers exactly what to expect. Revolutionary software for the farming industry.

09. Smart Class

A handy name for an AI company that specializes in educational technology.

10. SmartBot

A great name for an AI company that creates robot assistants. Rolls off the tongue.

How to Name a Startup

Create a great name for your startup today.

More Artificial Intelligence Business Name Ideas:

Artificial Intelligence Business Name Acronyms:

  • AIEX.
  • AISIM.
  • AIQO.
  • AIX.

Catchy Artificial Intelligence Business Names:

  • Brainstorm Synthesis.
  • Minds in the Machine.
  • CogniMachine.
  • Syntia.
  • CogNiro.

Good Artificial Intelligence Business Names:

  • Neurallix.
  • Artificial Neurons.
  • Nexus Intelligence.
  • The AI Bubble.
  • NovaDreamSoft.

Unique Artificial Intelligence Business Names:

  • Artificial Dimensions.
  • OnNeural.
  • MannaAI.
  • Analogical Analytics.
  • The AI Connection.

Great AI Company Names:

  • Artificial Evolution.
  • NuvoMinds.
  • The AI Box.
  • GoDataware.
  • Riseup AI.


What is a good name for an AI business?

A good name for an AI business will evoke a sense of proficiency, technicality, and trustworthiness. It will need to be catchy in order to stand out from the competitors. Take a look at our list of artificial intelligence business names for inspiration.

How do you name an AI startup?

  1. Brainstorm some potential names.
  2. Think about words and concepts related to your artificial intelligence business, target audience, and mission statement.
  3. Try combining words or use a business name generator.
  4. Review and reflect on your list.
  5. Gain feedback.
  6. Check the name's availability.
  7. Secure the name.

What are some famous artificial intelligence business names?

  • Intel.
  • HiSilicon.
  • OpenAI.
  • DataRobot.
  • H2O.

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