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20th Century Business Name Ideas:
01. Hector Murphy Grey (HMG)
Including the company founders' last names or initials was a common 20th-century naming rite.
02. General Pharmaceuticals
The adjective "General" was commonly used as a reference to a company's extensive range of products.
03. Standard Healthcare Group
Another commonly used adjective, "Standard," suggests a certain level of quality and service.
04. Allan's Shop
Using your personal name is a great way to create a sense of familiarity with customers.
05. Vee's Beauty Bar
The moniker "Vee" — short for Veronica — gives this name an endearing quality.
06. Viribus
Incorporating Latin words add memorability and prestige. Here, "Viribus" means "strength."
07. Imperium
Another Latin word, meaning "power," makes this a formidable name for any business.
08. Santé Foods
Foreign words are still popular name options today. Here, "Santé" is French for "health" or "cheers" if used with an exclamation mark.
09. Innolectro
"Innovate" and "electrode" are blended to create a modern name idea.
10. Technodyne
The suffix "-dyne" was used in many a business name during the 20th century.
11. Pharmatron
The suffix "-tron" was also a common addition to company names.
12. TGK Health Group
A typical 20th-century name underpinned by the founders' initials and the noun "Group."
13. Refinergy
This blended word is perfectly suited for an energy or fuel business.
14. Infinitywave
A catchy name, which uses a compound word to make it edgy and appealing.
15. JM Electronics
This straightforward name includes the founder's initials and the industry he/she is in.
16. Techbay
A great name for any technology-oriented business.
17. Herald
One-word names became popular towards the end of the 20th century. Think Amazon and Apple.
18. Verbapress
The combination of "Verbal" and "Press" makes this an auspicious name for a media company.
19. BioCargo
A credible name for a shipping company or biotechnology firm.
20. US Textiles
The abbreviation "US" gives any name a sense of patriotism.
More 20th Century Business Name Ideas:
Good 20th Century Business Names:
- Pegasus Pals.
- The Shuffle Box.
- Magic Shindig.
- Flipside Xchange.
- Funtastic Bubblegum.
Cool 20th Century Business Names:
- Altadyne.
- A-Team Gym.
- InvestLoft.
- Bummerz.
- The Floppies.
Catchy 20th Century Business Names:
- Peep 'N Fuzz.
- Global Groovy.
- Foshizzle 21.
- Wacky Twister.
- Big Head Booyah.